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Home Missions Crisis Pregnancy Center

   In the city of Poltava is the third year running public organization "Christian Education Center" Center to pregnant.
The main objective of this association is to popularize the value of human life (alas, this is so, although sounds like a strange). The fact that the permissiveness in sex, and other seemingly "harmless fun" leads to dire consequences ....
   Depression, frustration, even suicidal thoughts, alas, have become companions of many people today ... .. Of course, we can not help everyone (yes, we do not set such a task before him), but if a woman is faced with the problem of unintended pregnancy, we are ready to support and jointly find a way out of this situation.
Center provides the following services (all free and confidential):
- Pregnancy test;
-spiritual-emotional support;
classes "Young Mother" (preparation for childbirth, promoting breast-feeding, early child-raising);
- Rehabilitation (psychological) after the abortion.
Given the confidentiality of our work, we certainly can not tell you about our clients, but still want to share the trend that exists at this time.
Very often, unfortunately, our customers are young women who learn that pregnant, left alone with my problem: my mother to tell scary, guys, (sadly to talk about it) sometimes just throw, or believe that it is "the only problem is most girls.
I do? Who to consult? It must take a very serious decision in life ...
Many women (and men especially) do not understand the seriousness of abortion and what the consequences might expect a woman in the future ...
The contact center in this state, women can receive emotional and spiritual support, knowing that they are not alone with your problem and make the right choices, finding peace and serenity.
Mamochkin meeting.
Thanks to volunteers, the center, which every visitor a woman trying to warm with love and understanding, even after the birth of children, the client of the Center wants to come back here to talk to. To this end, at the center conducts "Mamochkin meeting, where former clients have already become mothers can meet once a month to socialize, receive educational advice for the care of the baby, spiritual support.
The influence and work in the city.
I would like to also mention preventive work of the Center among the educational institutions of the city.
To date, the teachers understand the importance of prevention of risky behavior among young people, they ask us to greater stress in the lectures and talks to the moral aspect, as in turn we are doing.
To lecture in schools, colleges and universities of the city we speak the truth about abortion and advocate the value of human life. Here are some quotes from the feedback from our listeners:
"I realized that abortion is the murder of a child who has not lived in this world"; "... I realized how horrible abortion .."; "... women to have abortions, made a big mistake ..";
"After this lecture, I have a negative attitude toward abortion ..." "... I opened my eyes to the horrific facts of the silent war ... and helped make the choice for the benefit of the child"; ".. I was very impressed with the lecture ... please continue to tell others about it, that they learned the truth about abortion and the value of life. "
It is impossible to trace the number of saved lives of future mothers, after the hearing, of information, but they will!
Of course, you can not see the fruits of the Center immediately, but we believe that the spreading of God's truth, these seeds will sprout in its time.

Address: Poltava, Prospect Mira 24, entrance from the courtyard.
Hours: Mon-Fri From 10-00 to 17-00. Sat-Sun: closed.
Tel: 57-18-38; bw 0669028137.

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